Tópicos: Sociedad | Sucesos

Activista vegana denunció que granjeros le dispararon tras liberar a 16 conejos

Autor: Cooperativa.cl

La joven grabó un video de la situación con su cara ensangrentada.

Activista vegana denunció que granjeros le dispararon tras liberar a 16 conejos

Una joven británica, activista animal y vegana, denunció que unos granjeros le dispararon en España después de liberar a 16 conejos desde propiedades privadas.

La mujer, conocida en redes como "Mythical Mia", reveló en un video de Instagram lo ocurrido, mostrando su cara ensangrentada.

"Esto es lo que los granjeros nos hicieron. Dispararon a nuestra ventana (del auto) y nos perisguieron por la carretera ¡Dios mío!", relató, explicando que se cortó cuando estallaron los vidrios.

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Una publicación compartida por Mia (@mythical.mia) el 1 de Sep de 2019 a las 4:30 PDT

Mia escapaba del lugar junto a otros activistas de origen español, turco y belga, quienes se llevaron los animales desde las granjas.

La mujer contó que un granjero fue "extremadamente agresivo y nos atacó, estrangulando a los activistas y golpeando sus cabezas con palos de metal".

Además, la joven explicó que los granjeros los acorralaron tras perseguirlos y debieron llamar a las autoridades para que los escoltaran.

"Lo más importante es que los animales no humanos están a salvo. Están lejos de ese agujero infernal. Si así tratan a los humanos, ¿cómo podemos esperar que cuiden a los animales?", agregó Mia.

Después de todo el caos, Mia compartió una imagen de uno de los conejos rescatados, contando que está con un tratamiento veterinario para recuperar su postura, porque tenía muchos problemas debido a lo insalubre que era su jaula.

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Meet Neytiri. She is one of the 16 lives rescued from the action this weekend. She was spotted immediately by our fantastic vet @shakirafree, spinning round and around in circles in her cage with her head tilted, showing clear signs of E.cuniculi, a parasite in the ear caused by filthy living conditions. . We took her to the vet and they confirmed she is only a couple weeks old. She is now on a course of antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and anti-parasites and depending on the severity of her condition and how long she’s been like that, she will recover in a few days or weeks and her head will return to the upright position again! She has such a character and is so full of energy despite the discomfort she must be in from all the disorientation and muscle strain from her neck. I will post regular updates about her and the others on my stories and if anyone wants to help with the vet bills and sanctuary costs, I have put the fundraiser in my bio! . These 16 are the lucky ones. After actions like this we get to home but for them there is no way out. We only managed to find a home for 16 beforehand, so had to leave thousands of mothers and babies behind. They will be trapped inside those cages for their entire lives, their only escape is when they are shipped off to a slaughterhouse to be murdered for their flesh and fur. Rabbits like these are also abused for animal testing, tortured for a lifetime before eventually getting murdered too. They are also regularly kept as ‘pets’ often in solitary confinement and inappropriate conditions suffering from boredom and multiple other health issues. . What we do the animals need to end immediately. This injustice has gone on far too long. We will continue to enter in these facilities to expose these horrors and liberate the beings trapped inside for as long as it takes. We are not going anywhere. Join us in our fight, be vegan, be active and let’s put an end to this once and for all.

Una publicación compartida por Mia (@mythical.mia) el 3 de Sep de 2019 a las 9:33 PDT


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